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FAQs About Tryouts


For Parents

  • Read all information regarding Tryouts and register online. 

  • Continue to check and related social media platforms for new information and any changes. 

  • Try to not add any extra pressure to your child before or during tryouts.

  • Wear shin guards, cleats, and bring properly inflated ball.

  • Hydrate before the session and bring water.


If you have registered and can no longer attend due to injury or another unavoidable circumstance, notify the Director of Coaching via this form as soon as possible.


In the event of inclement weather, updates will be communicated via email to registered players if any changes to the schedule are made. Updates will also be shared via TnTFCA's social media accounts on Facebook and Instagram.



Evaluators: TnTFCA Directors of Coaching and coaching staff

Your child will be evaluated by the coaching staff in various group activities. The staff will assess current skill level, effort and potential ability. The tryout process is conducted in a relaxed environment where players are encouraged to have fun. 

Player Selection: The number of players selected will be determined by the number of players in attendance and the quality of the player pool. Although no guarantee, our desire is to offer a spot to every player in the Pre Academy (U6-U8) and Junior Academy (U9-U12). If the staff determines that another program is more appropriate for your player, we will have an individual conversation with parents.



How will players be notified of their placement?

Players selected for a team will receive a phone call and/or email invitation within 48 hours of the final session. An email will contain instructions to complete the acceptance process. In some cases, you may receive the email before the coach call. 


How to accept your spot?

Acceptance by a player and his/her family is considered binding, and each player/family is expected to make a commitment to their respective program for its duration (season/year).

This commitment includes, but is not limited to:

  • Filling a roster spot on a team for the entire year

  • Fulfilling all training, game and financial commitments

Because there are multiple teams within a particular age group, players are asked to be prepared to make a decision within 24 hours. We trust that your family has time this spring and the week of tryouts to consider potential scenarios. Therefore, the 24-hour period is designed to give you time for final discussions as a family. 

New Players: 

After tryouts are complete and teams selected, any new player who did not attend tryouts or register for tryouts wishing to join TnTFCA must contact the Director of Coaching to discuss eligibility and to arrange a time to be evaluated.  All required registration materials must be completed prior to a player’s evaluation. 


In-season Transfers between TnTFCA teams: 

Team coaches, in consultation with the Age Group Director and/or the Director of Coaching, may transfer a player up a level during the seasonal year.




What age group should my child play in?

Age groups are determined based on the child's birth year. 







Who will coach my child's team?
All coaches in TN Tempo FC Academy are professionally licensed by the United States Soccer Federation (USSF) or NSCAA governing body. All coaches undergo an extensive criminal background check as well as training for concussion and cardiac awareness.  


Will TnTFC Academy give my child the opportunity to compete in TSSA State League with the chance for a state championship? 
Absolutely. Being part of the state association is an important part of our development program. Teams will have a pathway to compete at the state level with an opportunity to earn a spot in USYS Regionals which opens the door to the USYS National Championship Series. To supplement the play for higher level teams, the club will register these teams in targeted competitive tournaments and/or College Showcase events.


How old do you have to be for tryouts?
Tryouts begin at the U6 age. If your child is a U6 thru U8, they should consider our Pre-Academy Program (PAP). The PAP is an early entry into a higher level of training and curriculum than rec soccer.  


Do you have Non-Travel teams?

In general, the amount of travel is tied to competition level and age. The older a team is and the more advanced a team, the greater a requirement to travel. Overnight travel is rare for younger teams who are playing 7v7. An occasional day trip to nearby cities like Knoxville, Nashville, Huntsville or Atlanta is possible.


Where does TN Tempo FC train and play?

Richard Siegel Soccer Complex


How many times per week do teams practice?

We offer up to three training sessions per week. Two of these are team training and the third is Club Training, which focuses on additional areas of soccer development such as technical training, strength and conditioning. 


Are practices mandatory?
Team training sessions are mandatory. Club Training is highly encouraged. 


How much does it cost to play for the TN Tempo FC?
A payment plan with several options will make it fit almost any budget. See the descriptions of fees here


Can I watch tryouts?
While we do not have restrictions on this, we ask that you give your child and the coaching staff plenty of space to avoid distractions, especially during times like water breaks. 


Is my child guaranteed a spot in the club?
We anticipate being able to accommodate all players within a TnTFCA -sponsored team. If our coaching staff feels like select soccer is not yet an appropriate environment for your child, they will notify that parent individually. 

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Tennessee Tempo Final Academy.png


P.O Box 1345
Smyrna, TN 37167


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